Mission e Vision

Mission e Vision


MIT Ambiente was founded in 2015 through the will of a team of professionals whose developed experience and proficiency are essential in taking a new approach to services in the environmental field. The partner company, Enereco S.p.A., has been planning oil and gas systems for over 25 years.

We specialize in monitoring and consulting in environmental and analytical sectors. We sustain and look after our clients meticulously to guarantee an effective and efficient service, aiming at being a valuable instrument of growth for all those who use our services.


Our mission is to anticipate, understand and satisfy the needs of our clients while providing top quality professional service, given with quality, flexibility and a quick response time thanks to the dedication of our staff and efficient, sustainable and high tech solutions. 


We want to be the first reference for companies who work for sustainable industrial development, according to the law, in full compliance with the environment and human health.